Respect & Dignity


When serving in Guatemala, whether through healthcare, construction, education, or humanitarian aid, it is essential to uphold respect and dignity for the local culture, traditions, and people. These guidelines are designed to help volunteers navigate their service opportunities with sensitivity and understanding.

Cultural Sensitivity

Learn the Language

  • Local Languages: Make an effort to learn and use basic phrases in Spanish and, where applicable, indigenous languages like K'iche'. This shows respect and builds trust with the community.

Respect Traditions

  • Cultural Events: Participate with your team in local events and ceremonies with an open mind. Observe and ask permission before joining in activities.

  • Appropriate Dress: Dress modestly and in a manner that honors God and aligns with local customs.

Building Relationships

Active Listening

  • Listen First: Prioritize listening over speaking. Understand the needs, concerns, and aspirations of community members.

  • Empathy: Show genuine interest in their stories and experiences. This builds rapport and fosters mutual respect. Even if you do not understand the language you can empathize through their tone and body language.


  • Community Involvement: Understand local leaders and stakeholders have planned your project and implementation. Show respect. Their insights and approval are crucial for success.

  • Empowerment: Focus on empowering your entire team to servce the community and sustain projects independently. Encourage skill-building and leadership development.

Ethical Conduct


  • Honesty: Be honest about your role, capabilities, and limitations. Avoid making promises you cannot keep.

  • Accountability: Keep notes or a journal of project progress and resources. Share this information with your team.

Respect Privacy

  • Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of individuals and families. Do not share personal information or photos without consent.

  • Sensitivity: Approach sensitive topics, such as health or financial issues, with care and discretion. Refer to your team leaders when necessary.



  • Punctuality: Be punctual and reliable in all your engagements. This demonstrates respect for the community's time and schedules, even when things do not go as planned.

  • Dedication: Show dedication and enthusiasm for your work. Your attitude can inspire and motivate others.


  • Learning Attitude: Approach your work with a willingness to learn from the community. Acknowledge that you are a guest and there to support, not to impose.

  • Avoiding Assumptions: Do not make assumptions about local practices or beliefs. Ask questions and seek to understand the context behind them.

Safety and Well-being

Personal Safety

  • Awareness: Stay aware of your surroundings and follow local advice regarding safe areas and behaviors.

  • Support System: Maintain regular communication with your organization’s staff and fellow volunteers. Always share your whereabouts and activities.

Community Well-being

  • Health Practices: Promote and follow safe health practices, especially when working on health-related projects. Respect local health norms and practices.

  • Environmental Respect: Show respect for the local environment. Avoid actions that could harm natural resources or disrupt ecological balance.

Building Trust


  • Reliable Presence: Be a consistent and reliable presence to your team and the community. Trust is built over time through repeated positive interactions.

  • Follow-Through: Follow through on commitments and projects. Ensure that initiatives are completed and benefits are sustained.


  • Mutual Benefit: Ensure that your presence and work bring mutual benefits. Seek ways to give back to the community and show appreciation for their hospitality.

  • Recognition: Recognize and celebrate the contributions of community members. Acknowledge their efforts and achievements publicly.


Serving in Guatemala through various service organizations offers a rewarding and transformative experience. By following these guidelines, you will honor the dignity and respect of the local people, build strong and lasting relationships, and make a meaningful impact in the community. Embrace this opportunity with an open heart and a spirit of service and humility.hank you for your dedication and service. Enjoy your journey!